Welcome to Miller Street
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Miller Street Dance Academy! Founded in 1994, MSDA strives to provide quality, tasteful dance instruction in a positive environment. Our goal is to cultivate young dancers into well-rounded individuals who have not only an appreciation for dance, but who reach for high achievement in both academics and community service. Please take a moment to browse our site. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, we are happy to assist you!
Please contact us at info@millerstreetdanceacademy.com for the Rea Farms – Providence location or baxterinfo@millerstreetdanceacademy.com for the Fort Mill – Baxter location.
Which location is right for me?

Registration for 2024-25 is NOW OPEN!

Rea Farms – Providence
11115 Golf Links Dr, Ste A Charlotte, North Carolina 28277
Phone: (704) 889-TOES (8637)
Email: info@millerstreetdanceacademy.com

Fort Mill - Baxter
967 Market St., Ste. 100 Fort Mill, South Carolina 29708
Ph: (803) 396-JAZZ (5299)
Email: baxterinfo@millerstreetdanceacademy.com
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